3rd International Workshop on Functional Modelling (IWFM 2018) †
(2018.5.24-25 @ Kurashiki Monogatarikan, Kurashiki, Okayama, Japan)
- Keisuke Fukuda, Tetsuo Sawaragi, Yukio Horiguchi: Double-Looped Safety Analysis for Organizational Accidents Combining Activity Theory and Functional Resonance Analysis Methods and its Application to Railway Incidents, Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Functional Modelling for Design and Operation of Engineering Systems, pp. 26-29, 2018.
- Takayuki Hirose, Tetsuo Sawaragi, Yukio Horiguchi: Numerical Simulation of Complex Supply-Chain Systems with an Extended Model of Functional Resonance Analysis Method, Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Functional Modelling for Design and Operation of Engineering Systems, pp. 39-42, 2018.
(2018.6.11-13 @ Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK)
- Takayuki Hirose, Tetsuo Sawaragi, Yukio Horiguchi: Numerical Safety Analysis of Complex Supply-Chain Systems Integrating Functional Resonance Analysis Method and Cellular Automaton; The 12th FRAMily meeting/workshop, Cardiff Wales UK, June 2018.
2018 JAPAN-KOREA Control Theory & Technology Workshop †
(2018.7.13-15@Nest Hotel, Incheon, Korea)
- Tetsuo Sawaragi: Human- and Data-Centric Innovations for “Society 5.0”, Presented at 2018 JAPAN-KOREA Control Theory & Technology Workshop, combined with the faculty workshop of ICROS Tech Com on Control Theory, 2018
(2018.12.5-8 @ Toyama International Conference Center)
- Jiarui Li, Yukio Horiguchi, Tetsuo Sawaragi: Refining Fuzzy c-Means Membership Functions to Assimilate A Priori Knowledge of Cluster Sizes, Proceedings of 2018 Joint 10th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 19th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, pp. 654-659, 2018